We will reduce number of gov't officials by 20-25 pct - PM

2018-03-05 12:52 update: 2018-09-26, 18:02
We will reduce number of gov't officials by 20-25 pct - PM photo PAP/Paweł Supernak
We will reduce number of gov't officials by 20-25 pct - PM photo PAP/Paweł Supernak
Today, we have 126 people holding the posts of ministers, deputy ministers, namely, secretaries and undersecretaries of state. We want to reduce their number by 20-25 percent within the next two to three months, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki declared on Monday.

He also announced that he planned to liquidate all financial rewards and bonuses for ministers and deputy ministers.

The PM said at a press conference on Monday that "in the case of undersecretaries of state, my proposal is to move the members of this political corpus group to a civil service group."

He also declared that "he wants all ministers to conduct audits, a review of spending and credit-card use by their subordinated units."

"It is extremely important to reduce or liquidate credit cards everywhere where they are not necessary," he stressed.

The prime minister declared that the financial reward he had received "will go to charity." (PAP)

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