News Desk

2018-09-16 10:22 update: 2018-09-20, 11:30

The Polish Press Agency has more than a dozen news desks at its Warsaw headquarters, specializing in business, political, science and sports topics. News dispatches are prepared by experienced editors and talented reporters.

PAP-Media is the agency’s largest news desk.  It consists of six teams: the political, economic, social, sports, foreign, and English language services. The work of the entire PAP-Media team is coordinated by the newsroom, made up of experienced editors, whose task it is to follow current domestic and foreign events and instantly react to the information needs of PAP subscribers.

PAP-Media also includes two others teams – Science & Scholarship and PAP-Life.

Services devoted to the economy and the capital markets, prepared by the economic desk, a part of PAP-Business, are also important and rapidly developing departments of the agency. Professional services are prepared by experienced journalists and addressed to  decision makers on corporate strategies or financial investments. The economic desk also prepares, in cooperation with the Warsaw Stock Exchange, a well-known and  highly valued by investors, free WSE InfoSpace service.

PAP-Photo produces and distributes Poland’s largest daily domestic and foreign photo service while providing a rich database of archived photos.

The Product Development Department develops new products and prepares wire services for the internet and for new media. The Infographics team produces graphic illustrations (including interactive and animated infographics) for the text coverage. The New Technologies team prepares news services in special formats for the internet, mobile networks and operators of digital signage chains.

The Local Government Service team runs Poland's largest information platform for local self-government authorities.