Daily Photographic Service
A comprehensive photo package documenting major domestic and world events.
Every day the Daily Photographic Service publishes:
About 200-300 photos from across Poland by PAP photojournalists
About 1,000 images from around the world provided by the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA).
The pictures are grouped in 17 topical categories:
⦁ Arts
⦁ Culture
⦁ Entertainment
⦁ Sports
⦁ Social issues
⦁ Politics
⦁ Law and judiciary
⦁ Unrest
⦁ Conflicts
⦁ War
⦁ Disasters and accidents
⦁ Science and technology
⦁ Education
⦁ Economics
⦁ Business and finance
⦁ Labour
⦁ Environmental issues
⦁ Health
⦁ Religion and beliefs
⦁ Lifestyle and leisure
⦁ Hobbies
⦁ Weather
The service is also available for mobile devices and information about incoming pictures is accessible through the RSS channel.
The service is used by printed and electronic media, TV stations and web portals.
Direct link to website: Daily Photographic Service
Sales and Client Service Section
Tel. (+48 22) 509 22 25