Gov't seeks allies to oppose federal Europe, says PM

2021-12-06 19:02 update: 2021-12-07, 17:51
Fot. PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Fot. PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Poland's prime minister said on Monday his government is seeking allies in the fight against the "federalisation and centralisation" of Europe.

Mateusz Morawiecki added that Poland wants to ally itself with parties that want a strong EU through the strength of its member states.

Morawiecki's comments came after a meeting on Saturday in Warsaw of European conservative and right-wing European parties.

Asked about the event at a press conference, Morawiecki said that "on the EU level we are attacked very unjustly, below the belt, and by European institutions and some countries.”

"In connection with that, we are seeking allies in that fight against the federalisation of Europe, against the centralisation of Europe," he said, going on to ask whether people wanted a Europe governed from one place, or a sovereign Polish state.

"That's why on Saturday we met with representatives of various patriotic, conservative, right-wing parties," he continued. "Parties that want Europe to be a Europe of motherlands, that it is a strong EU but strong through the strength of its member states, and we also want that."

Morawiecki was also asked about comments French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen made in an interview with the Rzeczpospolita daily, that Ukraine is a country under the Russian sphere of influence and that any attempts to interfere in that state of affairs would lead to tensions.

"We don't have to agree with everybody... we can differ on many issues, as is the case in the matter you asked about, we differ," Morawiecki said of Le Pen's statement. (PAP)