City of Poznan reports Poland's first coronavirus death

2020-03-12 21:32 update: 2020-03-13, 10:40
Photo PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk
Photo PAP/Jakub Kaczmarczyk
A 57-year-old woman is Poland's first coronavirus victim. For several days, the woman had been in a serious condition in a hospital in Poznan, western Poland.

According to the Health Ministry the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Poland has grown to 51 on Thursday from 31 a day earlier.

As of late Thursday, 384 people were hospitalised, 2,736 were under quarantine and 14,841 were under epidemiological supervision over coronavirus, according to the Health Ministry.

On Thursday, the Health Ministry announced plans to declare a health emergency. Health Minister Lukasz Szumowski said on Thursday that he was about to issue a regulation introducing a state of epidemic threat in Poland that could limit travel and introduce other restrictions.

"Yesterday, WHO declared a pandemic (due to the coronavirus spread - PAP). I would like to inform you that, today (Thursday), there will be a health minister's regulation issued concerning the introduction of a state of epidemic threat, in line with the law on communicable diseases," Szumowski told a press conference.

Restrictions could be imposed on "a specific way of travelling," as well as the sale and use of certain products. The operation of certain institutions or companies could be restricted and bans on gatherings introduced, Szumowski said.

On Wednesday, Poland took the decision to close down all creches, kindergartens and schools. No classes will be held at schools and universities for two weeks starting from Thursday. The shutdown means that 4.58 mln students from 24,000 schools and 1.41 mln children attending 22,000 kindergartens across Poland will stay at home. The decision affects both public and private facilities.

The government also decided to close down all cultural institutions, including theatres, operas, museums and cinemas for a two week period as of Thursday.

On Thursday, Development Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz once again confirmed that there is no question of closing commercial outlets, all stores are working and will continue to work normally, said the minister.

The first case of coronavirus infection in Poland was reported on March 4, with the patient hospitalised in the western city of Zielona Gora.

The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causes a disease called COVID-19. Its symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches and fatigue. It is suspected that coronavirus infection, which can lead to life-threatening pneumonia, first occurred in China at the end of 2019 at a market in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province. (PAP)
