Travellers to Poland required to fill in location card

2021-07-10 16:16 update: 2021-07-14, 13:37
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Each traveler should fill in an electronic location card before entering Poland, according to a new government regulation.

If this is not possible, printed location cards will be collected from passengers on the plane by the airline staff, Deputy Foreign Minister Piotr Wawrzyk told a Saturday press conference on changes of entry regulations. 

"This card will be one of the conditions for crossing the border and entering the Republic of Poland in pandemic terms," he said.

Other changes of entry regulations include extending the categories of people arriving in Poland who are exempt from quarantine. 

So far, those entering Poland from the Schengen zone or the European Economic Area have been released from the self-isolation requirement. 

"Now... people who come from a country with which the Republic of Poland has established specific entry rules for passenger traffic during the pandemic... will also be released from quarantine,” Wawrzyk said.

The new rules apply to people who have not been vaccinated. (PAP)