NATO practices "spearhead" deployment

2016-05-18 17:25 update: 2016-05-18, 17:25
A military transport from Spain arrived at the seaport in Szczecin, northwest Poland, on Wednesday as part of NATO's Brilliant Jump exercise that practices the deployment of the alliance's spearhead force.

During the Brilliant Jump exercise, 2,500 soldiers from Spain, the United Kingdom, Albania and other countries practice the deployment and fast transfer of NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), which is also known as the NATO Spearhead Force. The deployment of about 500 items of military equipment from Spain is coordinated by the Szczecin-based Multinational Corps Northeast.

Responsibility for taking in and re-deploying NATO forces on the territory of Poland and the Baltic States is one of our key tasks, Multinational Corps Northeast head Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann said.

Spain has sent 400 vehicles and 100 containers with logistics equipment to Szczecin. It is one of the biggest shipments ever arriving at the port.

Brilliant Jump, which practices deployment of troops and equipment by sea, land and air, will last until May 27. It is the first NATO spearhead exercise in 2016 in which the alliance wants to test its rapid response capabilities in the event Poland and the Baltic States should need allied support.

The exercise is also an important test for the Szczecin-based corps before the NATO summit planned in Warsaw on July 8-9. The Szczecin-based corps is to be one of the commanding units of VJTF forces.

The very high readiness force is rotational in nature, and every year it is formed by a different NATO member. In 2016, Spain and its 7th Light Infantry Brigade Galicia serve this role. The VJTF is composed of a land brigade supported by air force, navy and special forces. (PAP)