Poland places order for new Covid-19 vaccine

2024-07-25 14:24 update: 2024-07-25, 14:28
The Polish health ministry has placed an order for a modified vaccine against a new variant of Covid-19, the health minister has said.

Izabela Leszczyna told a press conference on Thursday: "Of course, we're in the process of a tender and we have ordered this vaccine."

The Novavax pharmaceutical company has applied for the registration of a modified Covid-19 vaccine based on the JN1 variant of the coronavirus. If the company manages to register the product by the middle of August, the vaccine will be available in warehouses in second half of September, according to Poland's Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS).

However, the vaccine may be available to patients only in late September or early October, Leszczyna said.

"We don't expect a wave of infections that would make the situation dangerous," she said.

GIS has recently reported a ten-fold increase in Covid-19 infections in Poland over a month. (PAP)