Tax on excess bank profits 'a bad idea,' state assets minister says

Polish State Assets Minister Jakub Jaworowski has criticised the funds minister's proposal to slap a tax on banks which generate "excess profits."

Jakub Jaworowski. Fot. PAP/Szymon Pulcyn
Jakub Jaworowski. Fot. PAP/Szymon Pulcyn

Jaworowski's comment came after Funds Minister Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nalecz suggested on Sunday that a tax on banks posting excess profits could generate additional funding for defence.

"I believe it's a bad idea," Jaworowski said on Monday.

"I don't believe these are excess profits, they are an element of the economic cycle and relatively high interest rates, for which neither banks nor the governments are responsible," he argued, adding that "these calls are inappropriate."

The Polish banking sector posted a net profit of PLN 42 billion (EUR 10.04 bln) in 2024, up by 51.9 percent year on year, the National Bank of Poland reported in February. (PAP)

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