Tusk to present Sky Shield project together with other EU PMs

2024-05-20 21:25 update: 2024-05-21, 13:01
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said that "in the coming days" he will present plans for the European Sky Shield project, the so-called Iron Dome, along with his EU counterparts.

Tusk made the announcement on Monday after a meeting with European Investment Bank (EIB) head Nadia Calvino. Earlier in the day, Poland and EIB signed an agreement for a EUR 300 million loan to finance the Polish part of European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI).

The deal regards financing of the Polish satellite system, implemented in cooperation with France, he said after signing the deal, adding that satellite and reconnaissance systems will be an essential part of the ESSI. 

"In the coming days I will present a construction plan for the European Sky Shield project together with other prime ministers," he said. 

He added that satellite and reconnaissance systems will be an essential part of this project. 

According to Tusk, it is of key importance that the idea of pan-European defence is put into practice.

In addition, Tusk said that he aims to present the initiative to the current and incoming European Commission as well as the current and incoming European Council.

He added that today it is easier to obtain loans and grants for wide ranging development of national and European security.

Calvino said that the EUR 300 million loan for the Polish satellite programme is part of EIB's new action plan for security and defence.

On Monday evening, Tusk told the private broadcaster TVN24 that he and his Greek counterpart, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, were together drafting a letter to the European Commission and the European Council concerning the pan-European air defence.

"Common air defence, or this Iron Dome over Europe, is something that should not raise the slightest doubt among those who really want security and are aware of the risks," Tusk said.

He told TVN24 that "at the moment, together with the prime minister of Greece, we're drafting a letter to European institutions - the European Commission, the European Council - concerning air defence for the whole of Europe."

Admitting that the project will be "very expensive", Tusk said that "it is important to build up pressure."

"These most cautious and sceptical (European - PAP) leaders are beginning to understand that if we're serious about Europe's security and military strength, we need to start from this dome, because then the European advantage over Russia - financial, economic and technological - will find its full expression," Tusk said.

"A Europe whose skies are safe... will again start dictating its terms," the prime minister said, adding that the ESSI will also help eliminate "unwise competition between member states."

A German initiative, ESSI is a project to build a ground-based integrated European air-defence system. Some 21 countries are now participating in the programme. (PAP)
