‘EU4Regions’ showcases local projects in different countries. Over the course of 12 months, innovative solutions and cross-border cooperation projects funded under the EU cohesion policy are presented. Two outstanding examples illustrate the approach:
Regio-Plants: sustainable food production and research
The Interreg-funded ‘Regio-Plants’ project is dedicated to regional food research, with a particular focus on plant-based raw materials. The aim is to develop innovative cultivation and storage methods to promote healthy, wholesome foods.
The project benefits from cross-border cooperation, for example between Bavaria and Upper Austria. Partners such as the Technical University of Munich, the Austrian Drug Screening Institute and the Food Competence Centre FFoQSI contribute their expertise to drive the research forward.
APRIORA: clean water through innovative wastewater treatment
The EU-funded ‘APRIORA’ project is tackling the problem of pharmaceutical residues in drinking water. Scientists at the University of Rostock in northern Germany analyse bodies of water for drug residues.
By combining measurements and modelling, a detailed risk assessment is carried out that takes both ecological and health effects into account. The project enables authorities to take targeted measures to improve wastewater treatment. At the same time, ‘APRIORA’ promotes cooperation between scientific institutions and authorities in the Baltic Sea region.
Cross-border cooperation as a key to success
Both projects illustrate the importance of international cooperation and interdisciplinary approaches for solving global challenges. ‘EU4Regions’ shows how the EU’s cohesion policy brings regions and people together to implement sustainable solutions and ultimately strengthens unity across the bloc. A video, accompanying text and photos will be produced for each project.
Further information about the ‘EU4Regions’ project and new, exciting project presentations every month can be found at: https://www.presseportal.de/nr/177283?langid=2.
Note: The ‘EU4regions’ project receives funding from the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy.
Source: APA-OTS
Źródło informacji: APA-OTS