Far-right leader rules out coalitions with Poland's main parties

2023-09-27 21:09 update: 2023-09-28, 14:51
Fot. PAP/Piotr Nowak
Fot. PAP/Piotr Nowak
The leader of the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja) party has ruled out entering into a coalition with either of Poland's main political parties after October 15's general election.

With the election looming on the horizon, the intentions of Confederation have become a source of intense speculation given that both the government and the opposition may struggle to secure an outright majority, and could therefore look to secure coalition partners.

Krzysztof Bosak MP said Poland needed Confederation "not as a party with 10-11-percent support but as the country's primary political force".

He added that it would not join ranks with either the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party or the centrist Civic Platform (PO).

Speaking on the campaign trail in the north-eastern city of Suwalki, Bosak said: "Poland needs PiS and PO weakened, marginalised. We want Poland to have a good government, but a good government cannot be created with bad, depraved people who have bad intentions."

The Confederation leader accused both leading parties of having bad programmes for Poland.

"We don't believe it is possible in a coalition with either with PiS or PO to implement any reforms important for Poland," he said. "We simply do not believe it."

He said a "real breakthrough" was needed in Polish politics in terms of generational changes as well as changes in mentality. 

Such changes, Bosak continued, had already taken place in many European countries and that voters attached hope to Confederation because they refused to come to an agreement with the political mainstream. (PAP)
