Polish, US companies sign 20-year gas delivery contract

2018-12-19 18:16 update: 2018-12-21, 10:33
Photo:  PAP/Rafał Guz
Photo: PAP/Rafał Guz
Polish gas operator PGNiG and Port Arthur LNG on Wednesday signed a 20-year contract for the delivery of gas to Poland.

The deliveries are to start in 2023 and ultimately reach an annual level of 2.7 billion cubic metres.

PGNiG CEO Piotr Wozniak said the contract fully completes his company's long-term LNG import portfolio. He stressed that today's deal is a standard contract for LNG deliveries and will "crown" the contracts already signed by PGNiG.  

The deal was signed in Warsaw in the presence of Polish president's aide, Minister Krzysztof Szczerski and US Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan.

Minister Szczerski said that it is a great satisfaction that declarations "which were discussed and signed by the US and Polish presidents during two Polish-American summits, in Warsaw in July 2017 and in Washington in September 2018, are bringing such concrete results." He added that the contract shows that "what is included in the declaration on the strategic Polish-American partnership in regard to three areas - security, energy, investment - is a reality."

Secretary Sullivan assessed that Wednesday's agreement is a significant step towards increasing US energy exports to Poland and added that this is a strategic element of the US economic cooperation. The US envoy stressed that both Poland and the US are strongly in favour of energy security cooperation.

The Polish government's commissioner for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski added that the deal is yet another step in the implementation of Poland's long-term strategy aimed at making Poland "independent of one, monopolistic supplier of energy, in this case of gas." (PAP)