Ruling party wins EP elections in Poland - official results

2019-05-27 08:33 update: 2019-05-31, 21:04
Photo PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Photo PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Poland's ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) won the Sunday elections to the European Parliament having received 45.38 percent of the votes, the State Electoral Commission (PKW) announced on Monday, having counted 100 percent of the votes.

Its main opponent, the European Coalition, received 38.47 percent of the total.

The left-liberal party Wiosna (Spring) received 6.06 percent of the votes.

In terms of EP seats, PiS won 27, the European Coalition 22, and Spring 3.

All other parties, including the far-right Confederation Korwin Braun Liroy Nationalists, Kukiz'15 and the Left Together, have not crossed the electoral threshold of 5 percent. 

Confederation Korwin Braun Liroy Nationalists was backed by 4.55 percent, Kukiz'15 - by 3.69 percent and the Left Together - by 1.24 percent. (PAP)
