V4 chiefs of staff discuss cyber operations, training, epidemic
The military chiefs of staff of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) met on Tuesday in Pruszkow, near Warsaw, to discuss joint training, cyber space operations and military cooperation in a pandemic situation.

Polish chief of staff General Rajmund Andrzejczak, who chaired the talks, said they concerned "issues of importance to the region."
Andrzejczak pointed out that the V4 countries have expanded their military cooperation in cyber space because restrictions imposed by the epidemic had made many traditional military undertakings impossible. He added that cooperation in cyber space was now "a part of the everyday life and service" of the V4 countries' armed forces. Also discussed was joint military training, especially in cross-border tactics and mobility.
Andrzejczak said that the Polish side also reported on progress in the ongoing construction of a National Cyber Space Security Centre in Poland.
The talks also concerned plans to raise the military potential of NATO and the EU, and in this context mentioned the V4 countries' plans to form an EU combat group by 2023. Also discussed was the role of V4 countries in the NATO Response Force and Readiness Initiative, which is of key importance to security on the eastern NATO flank.
The talks are to continue on Wednesday in the seat of the Polish General Military Staff. The generals will also visit the 1st Warsaw Armoured Brigade in Wesola, near Warsaw, where they will be joined by Ukrainian chief of military staff General Ruslan Khomchak. (PAP)