Poland open to new proposals on EU budget - gov't spokesman

The spokesman for the Polish government has said that Poland “was waiting for new proposals that will be in line with EU treaties”.

Prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki (R) and gov't spokesman Piotr Müller in Brussels. Phot. PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki (R) and gov't spokesman Piotr Müller in Brussels. Phot. PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Piotr Mueller’s comments came just hours after Poland and Hungary vetoed the EU budget owing to a clause that made funding conditional on respecting the rule of law. 

Poland and Hungary have argued that the clause breaks EU treaties, and therefore has to be rejected despite their stance being at odds with the majority of EU states.

"At the moment, we are waiting for new proposals that will be in line with the EU treaties, and will not go beyond the EU competences defined in the treaties, and secondly, they will be in line with the conclusions of the July European Council, when the EU budget was agreed," Mueller said in an interview with Polish public radio on Tuesday.

"It was a clear signal that Poland and Hungary cannot agree to arbitrarily created legal norms that are inconsistent with EU treaties," he added. (PAP)

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