Morawiecki said in a video posted on social media on Sunday morning that the third question asked of voters in the referendum will read: "Do you support the acceptance of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, according to the forced relocation mechanism imposed by the European bureaucracy?"
He added that the Law and Justice (PiS) government had been against the EU migrant relocation scheme from the very beginning.
The video featured archival statements on the issue of refugee relocation by the leaders of Civic Platform (PO), main opposition party.
The then head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said in 2017: "If the Polish government is determined not to participate in this joint division of responsibilities regarding refugees, it will inevitably entail certain consequences", and in 2015 the then deputy foreign minister Rafal Trzaskowski said about refugee relocation "you will have to make this move and probably open up to the European Commission's proposal."
Commenting on the two statements Morawiecki argued that" These politicians wanted to put you in danger."
"We all see what is happening on the streets of Western Europe: rapes, murders, arson, demolition of streets, neighbourhoods of terror... we do not want this in Poland," he continued.
"We need your strong support! We say 'no' to illegal immigration," he added.
According to Morawiecki, "Tusk is the greatest threat... to Poland's security."
"Let's not allow Tusk, an envoy of the Brussels elites, to demolish security in Poland," he said.
On Friday morning, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of PiS and deputy prime minister revealed that the first question in the planned national referendum will ask respondents whether they support the sale of state-owned enterprises.
In the second question, Poles will be asked if they support raising the retirement age, Beata Szydlo, a deputy leader of PiS announced on Saturday.
Planned originally as a national referendum on the European Union’s proposed new migration policy the plebiscite is set to consist of four questions, with the last one to be announced on Monday. (PAP)