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Tag: laos

  • Rzeka Mekong w Wientian, stolicy Laosu, fot. PAP/EPA/RUNGROJ YONGRIT

    Śmierć turystów po zatruciu metanolem w Laosie. Zakazano sprzedaży wódki i whisky jednej marki

    W Laosie, gdzie sześcioro turystów w zeszłym tygodniu zatruło się metanolem i zmarło, władze zakazały sprzedaży i konsumpcji wódki i whisky firmy Tiger z powodu "podejrzeń, że produkty te zagrażają zdrowiu" - poinformował w piątek dziennik "The Guardian".

  • Fot. Twitter/MZS

    Polska dostarczyła pół miliona szczepionek do Laosu

  • Lao villagers are stranded on a roof of a house after they evacuated floodwaters after the Xe Pian Xe Nam Noy dam collapsed in a village near Attapeu province, Laos, 24 July 2018. Several hundred people were reported missing while at least five were killed after the Xe Pian Xe Nam Noy hydroelectric dam burst, causing heavily flash floods through several villages, leaving hundreds of households submerged underwater. Fot. PAP/EPA/ABC LAOS NEWS

    Laos: trwa akcja ratunkowa po zawaleniu się tamy hydroelektrowni

  • Lao villagers are stranded on a roof of a house after they evacuated floodwaters after the Xe Pian Xe Nam Noy dam collapsed in a village near Attapeu province, Laos, 24 July 2018. Several hundred people were reported missing while at least five were killed after the Xe Pian Xe Nam Noy hydroelectric dam burst, causing heavily flash floods through several villages, leaving hundreds of households submerged underwater. Fot. PAP/EPA/ABC LAOS NEWS

    Laos: trwa akcja ratunkowa po zawaleniu się tamy hydroelektrowni

  • Lao villagers are stranded on a roof of a house after they evacuated floodwaters after the Xe Pian Xe Nam Noy dam collapsed in a village near Attapeu province, Laos, 24 July 2018. Several hundred people were reported missing while at least five were killed after the Xe Pian Xe Nam Noy hydroelectric dam burst, causing heavily flash floods through several villages, leaving hundreds of households submerged underwater.  Fot. EPA/ABC LAOS NEWS

    Laos: wiele ofiar i setki zaginionych po katastrofie zapory wodnej

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