Polish border guards to go to Hungary

2015-10-16 13:09 update: 2018-09-27, 07:02
http://www.pap.pl/Admin/Default.aspx?Path=MainPage# Archives, PAP/Wojciech Pacewicz
http://www.pap.pl/Admin/Default.aspx?Path=MainPage# Archives, PAP/Wojciech Pacewicz
A group of 50-60 Polish border guards will travel to Hungary to help the local border service protect Hungary’s border with Serbia, according to a Polish diplomatic source in Brussels.

"It will be five mobile control units, namely vehicles for daytime and night-time observation, followed by five off-road cars for transporting border guards, 50-60 people to be exact", a Polish diplomat said.

"They will be involved in monitoring this large piece of territory (on the Hungary-Serbia border). They will definitely not be involved in physical interventions on the border", the source said, adding that if intervention was needed, the Polish guards would pass on the information to Hungarian border officers.

Helping Hungary protect its borders was the topic of a meeting of Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia) leaders before the Thursday EU summit in Brussels. (PAP)

