Poland-ordered Patriot launchers to arrive on time - Defence Ministry

2019-03-14 18:57 update: 2019-03-16, 16:41
Fot. ) PAP/Adam Warżawa
Fot. ) PAP/Adam Warżawa
The US-made Patriot air defence launchers that Poland has ordered together with the Integrated Air and Missile Defence Battle Command System (IBCS) will be supplied within the deadline, the Defence Ministry said in a statement sent to PAP on Thursday.

"Contrary to information appearing in the media, two batteries of the Patriot system that Poland bought in March 2018 will be delivered within the agreed deadline, that is by 2022," the Defence Ministry wrote in its statement.

Under an agreement between the US government and the Northrop Grumman company, the IBCS manufacturer, "elements of the system will be delivered by 2022."

"The agreement also states that Northrop Grumman will be responsible for software updates and IT support of the system until 2026. The signed agreement does not state that the system will be delivered to Poland later than in 2022," the ministry stressed.

The two batteries will reach initial combat readiness in 2023/24, the ministry added. "Due to the simultaneous implementation of the IBCS system in the US Army and in the Polish Armed Forces, Poland is systematically updated on the results of particular stages of work," the ministry wrote.

The Northrop Grumman contract is the third agreement concluded by the US government for Poland's Wisła medium-range air defence programme. Separate deals have been made with Raytheon (Patriot launcher manufacturer) and Lockheed Martin (missile manufacturer).

The Wisła programme has been divided into two stages. In the first stage, Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW) and other companies making up the Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) are to receive technology and know-how enabling significant participation in the production of the launchers and their components. A relevant inter-governmental contract was signed in March 2018.

Under the contract, Poland bought 16 Patriot launchers and 208 PAC-3 MSE missiles as well as radars, command and control facilities and radio communications equipment. The value of the first stage of the contract is USD 4.75 bln, of which PLN 700 mln (USD 184 mln) is to go to Polish manufacturers involved in the programme.

In the second stage, Poland will buy cheaper missiles to complement the basic ammunition and a new 360-degree radar.

The Defence Ministry stressed that "Poland is going to be the second country in the world, after the United States, to be equipped with the most modern Patriot launchers using the IBCS system." (PAP)
