PiS backing grows in February - poll

2016-02-16 09:07 update: 2018-09-27, 05:24
Warszawa, 11.02.2016. Prezes PiS Jarosław Kaczyński (L-dół), posłowie PiS: Leonard Krasulski (L-góra), Andrzej Jaworski (2P) i Tadeusz Cymański (P), podczas ostatniego dnia 11. posiedzenia Sejmu, 11 bm. (zuz)  Archive PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Warszawa, 11.02.2016. Prezes PiS Jarosław Kaczyński (L-dół), posłowie PiS: Leonard Krasulski (L-góra), Andrzej Jaworski (2P) i Tadeusz Cymański (P), podczas ostatniego dnia 11. posiedzenia Sejmu, 11 bm. (zuz) Archive PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Public support for the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party went up by 2 percentage points in February 2016 to 40 percent, according to a recent poll by TNS Polska.

Support for PiS's main adversary and previous ruling party Civic Platform (PO) shrank to 15 percent from 16 percent in January.

Support for the pro-business Nowoczesna Party went down by two percentage points to 13 percent.

Right-wing Kukiz'15 was supported by 9 percent of the respondents, down by 2 percentage points.

Support for former junior coalition member Polish People's Party (PSL) went up to 5 percent from 3 percent in January, bringing the party to the five percent threshold required for parliamentary representation.

Libertarian KORWiN and two left-wing parties, Together and the Left, would not get any seats in parliament as their support ranged from 2 to 3 percent.

The survey was conducted on a sample of 959 adult Poles on February 5-10, 2016. (PAP)
