Ruling party puts forward equal pay bill

2020-07-02 12:20 update: 2020-07-04, 12:28
Anita Czerwińska. Fot. PAP/Mateusz Marek
Anita Czerwińska. Fot. PAP/Mateusz Marek
Poland's ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) has prepared a bill aiming to remove the pay gap between men and women performing the same jobs, PiS spokesperson Anita Czerwinska announced at a press conference on Thursday.

PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski was the first party member to place a signature of approval under the draft legislation.

Michal Moskal of a PiS-affiliated youth conservative group that had come up with the legislative idea, said that there are still places in Poland where women receive a lower pay for doing the same job as men.

Moskal said the legislation broadens the concept of mobbing by adding gender pay inequality to the definition.

Deputy Family and Labour Minister Anna Schmidt-Rodziewicz, who is also the government equality commissioner, quoted a survey showing that close to 70 percent of Polish women can see the pay gap problem in Poland. "According to statistical data (...), the problem affects close to 20 percent of women in Poland, including more than 16 percent employed in the private sector." (PAP)