Civic Coalition wins Polish EP elections - exit poll

2024-06-09 21:19 update: 2024-06-10, 14:44
Photo PAP/Albert Zawada
Photo PAP/Albert Zawada
The Civic Coalition (KO), the backbone of the Polish coalition government, has won the Sunday elections to the European Parliament, an Ipsos exit poll for TVP, TVN and Polsat television stations showed.

The KO backed by 38.2 percent of the voters. Its main opponent, the Law and Justice (PiS) received 33.9 percent of the votes. (PAP)

According to the exit poll, the far-right Confederation was backed by 11.9 percent of the voters, the Third Way (a coalition of the Polish People's Party (PSL) and centre-right Poland 2050) received 8.2 percent of the votes, and The Left got 6.6 percent. 

Ipsps carried out the exit poll survey in front of 845 polling stations all over Poland.

The turnout reached 39,7 percent, according to Ipsos.

According to Ipsos, the KO will have 21 MEPs, the PiS - 19, the Confederation - 6, The Third Way - 4, and The Left - 3. (PAP)