Former ruling party lodges complaint after cuts to its state funding

2024-09-09 21:58 update: 2024-09-09, 21:59
Photo PAP/Rafal Guz
Photo PAP/Rafal Guz
The previous ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, now the main opposition, has submitted a complaint with the Supreme Court after the National Electoral Commission (PKW) rejected its financial report and, as a result, substantially cut state funding for the party.

In response to the dismissal of the financial report, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of PiS, informed reporters on Monday that the party has taken the matter to the Supreme Court.

Kaczynski asserted that the decision of the PKW was made "in complete contradiction of the law." He also contended that the allegations against his party could "equally apply to other parties." 

"Today, we have filed a complaint with the Supreme Court concerning the National Electoral Commission's decision, which significantly reduces our subsidies and grants and which was made (...) in complete contradiction with the law," said Kaczynski. 

If the Supreme Court finds the complaint justified, the PKW will accept the financial report.

The financial report filed by PiS election committee, and rejected by the PKW on August 29, pertained to the parliamentary elections that were held on October 15, 2023. 

The PKW has claimed that PiS unlawfully spent PLN 3.6 million (EUR 840,510) during the 2023 campaign.

As a result, the subsidy for the PiS election committee will be reduced by PLN 10 million (EUR 2.33 mln), and the party may be deprived of annual funding for three years. (PAP)