Poland suggests peace-keeping mission, not intervention, says official

2022-03-16 12:01 update: 2022-03-17, 13:46
Photo PAP/Andrzej Lange
Photo PAP/Andrzej Lange
The Polish government has suggested organising a peace-keeping mission in Ukraine and neither Poland nor Nato want to take part in the war, said Michal Dworczyk, chief aide to Poland's prime minister.

The Polish, Czech and Slovenian prime ministers, Mateusz Morawiecki, Petr Fiala and Janez Jansa, and the Polish deputy prime minister for security, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, travelled to Kyiv on Tuesday in an expression of support for Ukraine, which is fighting a Russian invasion.

During the visit, Kaczynski suggested that "a Nato peacekeeping mission is needed, possibly some wider international structure, but a mission that will also be able to defend itself and that will operate in Ukraine."

Dworczyk told Polish Radio 24 on Wednesday that it is "an appeal not only to Europe but to the whole free world, to work out a solution that would realistically have the ability to suppress the Russian aggression."

Dworczyk said a solution "must be discussed at the North Atlantic Alliance level."

According to Dworczyk, the mission must be sufficiently well-equipped and determined to stop potential aggression.

"We're speaking of a peace-keeping mission," Dworczyk said. "Here the situation and the position is unchanged: Neither Poland nor the North Atlantic Alliance are taking, or will take, part in the war.

"To put it simply, there is no war between Nato and Russia," he said.

While in Kyiv, the four politicians held talks with the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, and prime minister, Denys Shmyhal.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 and Kyiv has been under attack from Russian forces since then. The Ukrainian capital is seen as the key target of Moscow, but Zelensky has refused to leave the city. (PAP)