Polish president to discuss food and energy in Qatar, UAE says aide

2023-03-04 16:07 update: 2023-03-08, 13:50
Photo PAP
Photo PAP
Polish food and energy cooperation will be high on President Andrzej Duda's agenda during his visit to Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, Duda's chief aide has said.

In Qatar, Duda will attend the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5).

After ending his three-day working visit to Qatar on Monday, Duda will go straight to pay an official visit to the United Arab Emirates, where he will stay until Wednesday.

Marcin Przydacz, head of Duda'a International Policy Bureau, told a press briefing on Saturday before departure to Qatar that the president wanted to improve the chances of Polish entrepreneurs in the Middle East.

"The role of Polish diplomacy, and this is how the president also defines it, is to open doors and give the green light to Polish businesses that want to operate on Asian, African or Middle Eastern markets," Przydacz said.

According to Przydacz, Duda wants to focus on promoting Polish food in Qatar and open new markets for Polish farmers.

"At the same time, they (Middle Eastern countries - PAP) export energy commodities," Przydacz continued. "In order to protect Europe from any Russian influence in terms of energy, it is necessary to seek new paths of cooperation and new partners."

Przydacz also said, African and Asian countries are often vulnerable to Russian disinformation.

"Today we need to explain to our partners from the South what the Russian invasion of Ukraine is and what its causes and goals are," he told reporters. (PAP)