Poland's financial system stable and safe - central bank head

2018-11-19 10:45 update: 2018-11-20, 19:17
Photo PAP/Jakub Kamiński
Photo PAP/Jakub Kamiński
Poland's banking, financial system is stable and safe, the governor of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiński declared on Monday. He stressed that "everything is being monitored and supervised."

Glapiński said that the Financial Stability Committee had to meet on Sunday night because of the 'media storm'.

"Poland's banking, financial system is stable and safe, which is being underlined by us on every occasion," the governor of the National Bank of Poland stressed, adding that "the institutional system, which we have in Poland, ensures this stability." 

The finance minister told the same press conference that Getin Noble Bank and Idea Bank have been meeting their obligations towards their clients with no disturbances.

The acting head of the Financial Supervision Authority, Marcin Pachucki declared that the KNF "has been in contact with the supervised institutions, including Getin Noble Bank and Idea Bank." (PAP)
