Poland's financial system stable - Finance Minister

2018-11-19 10:48 update: 2018-11-19, 21:23
Poland's financial system stable - Finance Minister. Photo: PAP/Jakub Kamiński
Poland's financial system stable - Finance Minister. Photo: PAP/Jakub Kamiński
Poland's financial system has been operating in a stable and safe way. The Financial Stability Committee has been securing this stability, Finance Minister Teresa Czerwińska declared on Monday.

The minister told a press conference that the Financial Stability Committee (KSF) held a meeting on Sunday night, and that it was attended by members of all the institutions of the financial security network, namely, the National Bank of Poland, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, the Finance Ministry and the Bank Guarantee Fund (BFG). The meeting was convened by the finance minister, who is the KSF chairman.  

"We talked about the financial condition of the two banks, namely Getin Noble Bank and Idea Bank. We analysed their financial situation, we heard a report by representatives of the two banks, who informed them that Getin Noble Bank and Idea Bank have taken appropriate steps and have been meeting their obligations towards their clients. (...) The situation is under control, it is being monitored," Czerwińska stressed.

"Each of the four institutions has been fulfilling its function. At the same time, each of them declared during a meeting their immediate readiness to support the stability of the financial system - if necessary," the minister underlined and added that the system "has been operating in a stable and secure way." (PAP)
