Poland is the only European poultry exporter to China - minister

2018-11-29 11:23 update: 2018-12-01, 16:59
Photo PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski
Photo PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski
Poland is the only country in Europe that holds a Chinese poultry export permit, Agriculture Minister Jan Ardanowski told a Catholic radio broadcaster on Thursday.

Ardanowski praised his predecessors, Krzysztof Jurgiel and Marek Sawicki, for their efforts to diversify the destination markets for Poland's agricultural products and for reducing the country's dependence on Russia, which has kept an embargo on Polish produce for several years now.

"I have been able to finalise certain things. For example we are the only country in Europe with a Chinese permit for poultry exports," Minister Ardanowski stressed.

"The Chinese are buying but we're not relying on them only. We're looking to Asia and Muslim countries, that is the Gulf and North African countries," the minister said.

Ardanowski went on to say that he was still looking for new export markets for Polish products as "Poland is a surplus country in terms of food," which Polish farmers are sometimes not aware of. (PAP)

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