Polish listed company wins prestigious EC competition

2018-12-05 11:23 update: 2018-12-07, 15:00
Photo PAP/Paweł Supernak
Photo PAP/Paweł Supernak
Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych (Polish Stem Cell Bank, PBKM), a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), won a prestigious competition for the most innovative company, co-organised by the European Commission.

The European Small and Mid-Cap Awards is organised by the European Commission and the Federation of European Securities Exchanges, with 27 European bourses submitting companies to the competition.

Company officials collected the award at a gala in Brussels on Tuesday night.

PBKM is the biggest stem cell bank in Poland and for 15 years has been involved in the collection, preparation and maintenance of stem cells.

WSE CEO Marek Dietl told PAP during the gala that the competition is aimed to show the strength of the European economy through the perspective of small and medium-sized companies listed on European markets. "The WSE is a hub for small and medium-sized companies. We list more companies than Deutsche Boerse and they are mainly medium-sized firms, according to European standards," he said.

A total of 12 companies were nominated in four categories, including another Polish firm, a convenience supermarket chain Dino, which did not receive an award. (PAP)

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