Most Poles see 2018 as good year for their families - poll

2018-12-27 14:43 update: 2018-12-30, 16:41
Photo PAP/Andrzej Rybczyński
Photo PAP/Andrzej Rybczyński
Sixty-eight percent of Poles assessed 2018 as good for their families, while 69 percent described it as good in personal terms, according to the latest public opinion research conducted by the CBOS pollster.

As the authors of the poll emphasised, these are the best ratings since 1989.

The survey shows that 21 percent of respondents assessed that 2018 was for them personally "neither good nor bad." For 10 percent it was bad. Meanwhile, 25 percent of Poles considered the past year as "neither good nor bad" for their families, while 6 percent said it was bad for their families. 

The authors of the study pointed out that the assessments of the past year in the personal and family context depend primarily on the perception of the material conditions of the household and the age of the respondents. "Quite obviously, the greater the satisfaction with the material situation, the more positive ratings of the last year, and the fewer negative and ambivalent opinions," they noted.

In the opinion of 11 percent of respondents working professionally, 2018 was very good for their workplaces. Forty-one percent evaluated it as good in this context, and 16 percent as quite good. Nine percent of the surveyed employees believe that the past year was bad for their workplaces, and 18 percent have indifferent feelings in this respect.

The survey also asked Poles how 2018 was for Poland. Fifty percent of the respondents think that it was good for their country, 16 percent consider it as bad and 30 percent believe that the passing year was "neither good nor bad".

The authors stressed that the assessments of 2018 in relation to Poland are mainly differentiated by the respondents' attitude towards the current government. Most of the strong supporters of Mateusz Morawiecki's government believe that the past year was at least good for the country. Among the moderate supporters of the current cabinet, opinions are good and quite good. 

Respondents who declare indifference towards the government most often claim that the past year was generally good for Poland. Half of the moderate opponents of the government assess 2018 in the context of Polish matters indifferently, while the majority of determined opponents believe that it was at least "rather bad".

Poles are quite divided in their opinions on how the year 2018 was for the whole world. Twenty-eight percent think that it was good while 25 percent say it was bad. Thirty-seven percent of respondents summarised the passing year as "neither good nor bad" while 10 percent did not have any opinion on this matter.

The survey was carried out using computer-aided personal interviewing (CAPI) on November 29 - December 9, 2018, on a representative random sample of 942 adults in Poland. (PAP)
