Counteracting domestic violence a gov't priority - PM

2019-01-02 13:07 update: 2019-01-05, 16:06
Photo PAP/ Marek Zakrzewski
Photo PAP/ Marek Zakrzewski
PM Mateusz Morawiecki declared on Wednesday that counteracting domestic violence was a government priority.

Referring to a domestic violence draft, the prime minister declared that he decided to return the bill to its authors in order to eliminate all doubtful solutions.

"The Polish law must be clear and must fully protect victims," he underlined.

The draft amending the domestic violence law, authored by the Family and Labour Ministry, was published on the Government Legislation Centre website on Dec. 31, 2018. The portal reported that according to the proposed regulations, "a single beating incident is not domestic violence."

The PM stressed on Twitter that as counteracting domestic violence was a priority of the Law and Justice (PiS) government, the law must be clear and, with no doubts, must fully protect victims. 

"Every act of domestic violence - the 'one-off' and the recurrent must be treated firmly and unambiguously," PM Mateusz Morawiecki emphasised, adding that "as victims are often threatened, the so-called Blue Card (part of a programme requiring police to complete special forms when they respond to domestic violence calls - PAP) must protect the rights of a person affected by domestic violence. Domestic violence victims must feel that the state is on their side," he wrote.

The draft was removed from the Government Legislation Centre website after the PM had published his declaration on Twitter. (PAP)