Poland's ruling party wants to make central bank's wages public

2019-01-10 10:31 update: 2019-01-10, 19:24
Beata Mazurek Photo PAP/Jacek Turczyk
Beata Mazurek Photo PAP/Jacek Turczyk
The ruling Law and Justice (PiS) will present a draft law that will disclose managerial wages at the National Bank of Poland with reference to present and past managements, PiS spokesperson Beata Mazurek has told PAP.

The party will also suggest a cap on managerial wages at NBP, Beata Mazurek added.

The decision came in the wake of media reports that NBP President Adam Glapiński's two aides earned exorbitant wages that overshadowed those earned by top officials, including Poland's president and the prime minister.

In late December, the Gazeta Wyborcza daily wrote a feature about Glapiński's two associates: the head of the central bank's Communication and Promotion Office, Martyna Wojciechowska, and the head of Glapiński's office, Kamila Sukiennik. The daily wrote that Wojciechowska earned about PLN 65,000 (EUR 15,130) a month.

NBP's deputy HR head, Ewa Reczko, said at a press conference on Wednesday that none of the directors at NBP earned PLN 65,000, or more. NBP also said that the average director's wage in the central bank was PLN 36,308 (EUR 8,450) a month, in 2018.

Mazurek said later that NBP's explanation was not satisfactory and failed to clear up the issue.

Head of the National Bank of Poland (NBP) Adam Glapiński on Wednesday evening said he was ready to sign the law, when passed, with both hands. However, he claimed that such legislation would be "disastrous for the bank." "This will make the bank's work more difficult. It will hinder the recruitment process," said Glapiński.

On Tuesday, Poland's main opposition party Civic Platform (PO) submitted draft legislation which obliges the NBP's president and managers to file financial disclosures.

PiS spokesperson Beata Mazurek said on Wednesday her party would certainly support PO's bill if there were no formal or legal obstacles. According to her later statement, however, her party ultimately decided to file their own draft law.

On Thursday morning, President Andrzej Duda's aide, Andrzej Dera, said managerial wages at NBP should be disclosed, stressing that President Duda was determined to sign a respective bill into law. Referring to Glapiński, Dera said he "carries out his function at NBP well," stressing the bank's positive economic performance. (PAP)