Ruling party leader sees divisions in Polish society

2019-01-26 13:10 update: 2019-01-30, 12:58
Photo: PAP/Jakub Kamiński
Photo: PAP/Jakub Kamiński
Poland's society is divided and in many cases the divisions are very sharp and lead to events that should not take place, Jarosław Kaczyński, leader of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) said at the party's Saturday conference devoted to development policy.

However, Poles generally expect similar things, Kaczyński said, adding that "perhaps that's why some people are so determined to create emotional divisions, to make this emotional tension so acute, because the huge majority of Poles want fast economic growth."

Speaking at the party's conference "The Principles of Running a Development Policy in Poland," Kaczyński said PiS was spurring growth in the area of economy, welfare and society.

Kaczyński said the meeting was the first in a series of conferences aimed to consolidate the central and local governments so that the benefits of growth could be enjoyed at all levels.

Speaking of his party's success in last autumn's local elections, the PiS leader said good governance called for competence and honesty.

According to him, Poland has "serious development potential," which can be fully unleashed when barriers to growth are eliminated.

"Let us work above divisions in local governments. Let us try to make the march forward (...) a permanent element of our lives, so that Poland goes forward, so that Poles go forward, so that Polish families go forward in financial and spiritual terms," the party leader appealed.

Kaczyński also said the government needs to explain its decisions to society, particularly difficult ones. "They can be made, because our society is rational," he argued. (PAP)