United Left presents leader

2015-10-04 20:35 update: 2018-09-27, 07:03
The United Left election coalition on Sunday presented Your Movement co-chair Barbara Nowacka as its leader.

"Today the joint, united left is setting off to stand up to the conservatives", Nowacka said at the left-wing group's convention.

"They say: Law and Justice, we say: good law and social justice. Others say: Civic Platform, we say: civil society", she said referring to the two parties that top the polls at present.

Nowacka declared that the United Left would pursue policies based on moral values and respect for voters, adding that the left wing's government would reduce the number of MPs in the Sejm (lower house) and abolish the Senate.

Speaking about the economy, Nowacka declared support for a minimum monthly wage of PLN 2,500, abolishing unpaid internships, an innovative economy and a stronger role of trade unions. The United Left also wants to change the banking law to make banks more customer-friendly. "We are not enemies of banks, we are enemies of usury", Nowacka said.

She reiterated the left wing's demand of complete separation of church and state.

Ex-PM and current independent senator Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz endorsed Nowacka as the United Left's leader.

If an anti-Law and Justice (PiS) coalition is formed in the new parliament, Nowacka will be the United Left's candidate for prime minister, Your Movement co-chair Janusz Palikot told PAP after the convention.

The United Left (ZL) comprises the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD), Your Movement (TR), the Polish Socialist Party (PPS), the Union of Labour (UP) and the Green Party. (PAP)

