PM Szydlo to deliver policy speech on Wednesday

2015-11-17 17:15 update: 2018-09-27, 06:47
Premier Beata Szydło Fot. Leszek Szymański
Premier Beata Szydło Fot. Leszek Szymański
The newly appointed Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo will deliver a keynote policy speech to the Sejm (lower house) on Wednesday, government spokesperson Elzbieta Witek has announced.

"We want the government to be able to start normal work... the expose is needed so there is no need to wait," Witek told reporters on Monday evening.

Witek said Szydlo will most likely deliver her speech at 11 am. Later in the sitting the Sejm is expected to hold a vote of confidence in the new government. (PAP)
