Police seize record cocaine shipment

2015-12-22 09:01 update: 2018-09-27, 06:22
Na zdjęciu archiwalnym z 19.12.2015 r. udostępnionym 21.12.2015 r. akcja policji na terenie hurtowni w Broniszach. Funkcjonariusze z Komendy Stołecznej Policji udaremnili przemyt 178 kg czystej kokainy Fot. PAP/Komenda Stołeczna Policji
Na zdjęciu archiwalnym z 19.12.2015 r. udostępnionym 21.12.2015 r. akcja policji na terenie hurtowni w Broniszach. Funkcjonariusze z Komendy Stołecznej Policji udaremnili przemyt 178 kg czystej kokainy Fot. PAP/Komenda Stołeczna Policji
Police have seized a shipment of 178 kilogrammes of pure cocaine worth PLN 105 million, Warsaw police spokesman Mariusz Mrozek told a press conference on Monday.

The shipment was sent from Colombia and was seized in a truck carrying bananas near Warsaw on Saturday.

The drugs were first trafficked to Belgium by sea and then put on a truck driven by a 40-year-old Pole, who has been detained by police.

Apart from its record size, the shipment was also unique for the purity of the drug as it contained 90 percent-proof cocaine. The end product sold on the retail market usually contains 10 to 20 percent of pure cocaine, the police spokesman noted.

The police is now trying to establish whether the drug was to be sold on the Polish market or meant to be transported further.

By comparison, police seized 21 kilograms of cocaine in 2014 and 8 kilograms in 2013. (PAP)

