National media, including PAP, reinstate Public Media Awards

2019-07-09 16:41 update: 2019-07-13, 10:45
Editor-in-chief of PAP Radosław Gil, president of TVP Jacek Kurski, chairman of the National Media Council Krzysztof Czabański and chairman of the board of Polish Radio Andrzej Rogoyski Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Editor-in-chief of PAP Radosław Gil, president of TVP Jacek Kurski, chairman of the National Media Council Krzysztof Czabański and chairman of the board of Polish Radio Andrzej Rogoyski Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Poland's government-owned television broadcaster TVP, radio broadcaster Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency (PAP) have decided to reinstate, after 11 years, the Public Media Awards, which will be offered in the image, music and word categories.

The three organisations will appoint five jurors for each category.

Krzysztof Czabanski, head of the National Media Council (RMN) - a public body which appoints TVP, Polish Radio and PAP management and supervisory boards - announced the news at a conference held in PAP's Press Centre on Tuesday.

The five nominees in each category will be revealed in mid-August and the award ceremony will be held in September. The winners will receive a statuette and PLN 100,000 (EUR 23,553).

TVP will be responsible for the "image", the Polish Radio for the "music" and PAP for the "word" category.

PAP's editor-in-chief Radoslaw Gil said that his organisation has invited "practitioners of the word" to sit on the jury. "Apart from journalists there are writers, playwrights and also critics." (PAP)
