Polish FM chairs Security Council meeting on Middle East

2019-08-21 09:36 update: 2019-08-22, 19:04
Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz chaired a UN Security Council debate on Tuesday devoted to peace and security in the Middle East, during which he said restoring peace in the region is a common responsibility.

"Our common moral responsibility is to find a way to end the suffering of civilians and restore peace and stability to the region. The Security Council should actively support and initiate the actions of people who want to counter aggressive politicians and their activities in this region in accordance with international law," the minister said.

In Czaputowicz's opinion, Tuesday's debate took place at a critical moment as uncertainty over the development of events in the Middle East is once again at the centre of political debate. The solutions developed so far have not ensured peace and stability. In recent years, the region has been devastated by a wave of violent conflicts, including in many countries where peace once prevailed. 

The minister appealed for a positive approach to restoring peace and economic growth in the Middle East. He recognised the promotion of entrepreneurship, especially among young people, fighting corruption and ensuring access to education as key factors in solving social problems.

In his view, the most urgent sites in the Middle East are, among others, Syria, where the escalation of violence can lead to catastrophic consequences, and Yemen, where 13 million people are at risk of famine as a result of the conflict. 

Czaputowicz connected the conflicts in the Middle East with political, economic and social problems in the world. He said growing migration and the flow of refugees are the most urgent issues to solve. (PAP)
