Poland's unemployment falls to 5.1 percent in September - stats office

2019-10-23 11:53 update: 2019-10-23, 19:17
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Poland's unemployment rate fell to 5.1 percent in September 2019 from 5.2 percent a month earlier, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) announced on Wednesday.

The Family, Labour and Social Policy Ministry reported in early October that September's unemployment had fallen to 5.1 percent.

Analysts polled by PAP also expected the country's unemployment to stand at 5.1 percent. 

According to GUS, the number of unemployed people registered at labour offices in September amounted to 851,200, down from 865,500 in August. (PAP)
