Robert Richardson and Quentin Tarantino to receive Polish film award

2019-10-30 14:14 update: 2019-11-04, 13:34
Robert Richardson, an Oscar-winning cinematographer, and Quentin Tarantino, an Oscar-winning screenwriter, will receive the Camerimage 2019 Cinematographer – Director Duo Award at the 27th EnergaCamerimage Film Festival in Torun, in north-central Poland.

As justification for the award, it was noted on the film festival's website that, "Robert Richardson and Quentin Tarantino tell interesting and visually impressive stories that serve as reminders for why many of us have fallen in love with cinema."

During their stay in Torun, Richardson and Tarantino will present their fifth joint work, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," whose world premiere took place in May at the Cannes Film Festival.

Quentin Tarantino, born in 1963, is an American film director, screenwriter, producer and actor, and a two-time Oscar winner for best original screen play ("Pulp Fiction" and "Django Unchained").

Robert Richardson, born in 1955, is an American cinematographer and long-time collaborator on films with, among other directors, Martin Scorsese and Oliver Stone. He is a three-time Oscar winner for best cinematography ("JFK," "Aviator" and "Hugo and His Invention").

The EnergaCamerimage International Film Festival of the Art of Film Cinematography is recognized as "one of the world's largest film festivals dedicated to the art of cinematography," and will held on November 9-16. (PAP)