Fifty-six pct of Poles satisfied with president - poll

2016-07-12 17:38 update: 2018-09-27, 03:06
President Andrzej Duda Fot. Grzegorz Momot
President Andrzej Duda Fot. Grzegorz Momot
Fifty-six percent of Poles think that President Andrzej Duda is a good head of state and 32 percent believe he is doing badly, a recent CBOS survey shows. This has been the best result achieved by President Duda since the beginning of his presidency.

The president's ratings have been rather stable for the recent six months. The level of positive opinions has gone up by 1 percentage point since the June poll and the percentage of negative opinions has gone down from 36 percent.

Fifty-three percent of Poles criticised the Sejm (lower house) while 31 percent expressed a good opinion about the work of the lower house. The Sejm's disapproval ratings have gone down by 6 percentage points since June and the percentage of Poles satisfied with its work has gone up by 6 percentage points.

Forty-four percent of Poles criticised the work of the Senate (down by 5 percentage points) while 31 percent voiced a positive opinion about the upper house of parliament (up by 6 percentage points).

Asked about their opinion regarding the functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal, 27 percent expressed a positive opinion (down from 29 percent in June) and 39 percent a negative one (up from 37 percent).

CBOS carried out the survey on a representative sample of 983 adult Poles on June 30-July 7. (PAP)