Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity plays again

2020-01-12 21:03 update: 2020-01-14, 17:23
Poland's Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) held its 28th finale on Sunday to collect funds to buy equipment for children's hospitals.

In this year's annual campaign, some 120,000 volunteers collected donations across Poland and in many cities abroad, including in Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Thailand and the US. In Australia the charity is collecting funds for combating raging mass fires.

Sunday's Grand Finale was accompanied, as in previous years, by a large number of events, including concerts, sports competitions, auctions and outdoor performances.

Over the 27 years of its operations, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has spent over PLN 1.1 billion (EUR 260.0 million) to buy various kinds of medical equipment. Last year alone, the Orchestra gathered funds totalling PLN 176 million (EUR 40.7 million).

By 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, the orchestra had collected PLN 54 million (EUR 12.72 million). The final amount of the collection is expected to be officially announced by the WOŚP Foundation, headed by Jerzy Owsiak, in March.

WOŚP's first collection for medical equipment took place in 1993. Throughout the year, WOŚP buys medical equipment via tenders organised by the foundation. Thanks to the work of the foundation, many medical centres in Poland have received state-of-the-art equipment that helps save children's lives. (PAP)

