Poland to add EUR 2.43 bln to anti-crisis shield

2020-04-07 15:42 update: 2020-04-08, 20:25
Lukasz Schreiber, head of the Council of Ministers Standing Committee. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
Lukasz Schreiber, head of the Council of Ministers Standing Committee. Photo PAP/Piotr Nowak
Poland will add measures worth a total of PLN 11 bln (EUR 2.43 bln) to its already introduced PLN 212 bln (EUR 46.81 bln) relief package aimed to defend the Polish economy against the economic fallout of the coronavirus epidemic, a cabinet official has said.

The complementary measures are aimed to protect jobs, said Lukasz Schreiber, head of the Council of Ministers Standing Committee.

They introduce a 50 percent discount in social insurance premiums for companies employing between 10 and 49 people and extend support for temporary, no-benefit job contracts.

Previously, the government exempted companies employing up to nine people from social insurance dues for three months.

Additionally, there are also benefits for farmers under quarantine and job protection for non-governmental organisations, Schreiber also said. (PAP)

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