New prospects for agricultural cooperation with Kazakhstan

2016-08-23 11:46 update: 2018-09-27, 02:31
Warszawa, 22.08.2016. Prezydent RP Andrzej Duda (Pi) i minister rolnictwa RP Krzysztof Jurgiel (2P) oraz prezydent Kazachstanu Nursułtan Nazarbajew (2L) i minister rolnictwa Kazachstanu Askar Myrzakhmetov (L), podczas podpisania Porozumienia między rządem RP a rządem Republiki Kazachstanu o współpracy w dziedzinie rolnictwa, 22 bm. w Pałacu Prezydenckim w Warszawie. (zuz)  Fot. PAP/Jacek Turczyk
Warszawa, 22.08.2016. Prezydent RP Andrzej Duda (Pi) i minister rolnictwa RP Krzysztof Jurgiel (2P) oraz prezydent Kazachstanu Nursułtan Nazarbajew (2L) i minister rolnictwa Kazachstanu Askar Myrzakhmetov (L), podczas podpisania Porozumienia między rządem RP a rządem Republiki Kazachstanu o współpracy w dziedzinie rolnictwa, 22 bm. w Pałacu Prezydenckim w Warszawie. (zuz) Fot. PAP/Jacek Turczyk
Plenary talks held on Monday in Warsaw under the leadership of the presidents of Poland and Kazakhstan, Andrzej Duda and Nursultan Nazarbayev, concerned agriculture among other topics.

An agreement on cooperation in agriculture between the two countries' governments was signed by Polish Agriculture Minister Krzysztof Jurgiel and Kazakhstan's deputy PM and Agriculture Minister Askar Myrzahmetov, the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development wrote in a press release.

"The agreement signed today will provide impetus for more dynamic cooperation on a business and an expert level", Jurgiel was quoted by the ministry as saying. He added that the document opened a new chapter in bilateral relations between the two countries.

The agreement was an initiative of Kazakhstan and covers cooperation in areas such as crop cultivation and animal breeding, research, quarantine, mechanisation and trade contacts.

"The potential for development in mutual trade and investments is not fully utilised", Jurgiel was also quoted as saying. He pointed out that trade barriers needed to be removed and expressed satisfaction at the possibility of bringing breeding and utility cattle into Kazakhstan from Poland.

Poland has a positive balance of trade with Kazakhstan in agricultural goods, amounting to EUR 33.2 million in 2015. The biggest Polish export item in this segment was apples (EUR 19.9 million), followed by sugar, frozen beef and milk and dairy products. (PAP)