Voter support down for Poland's ruling party - survey

2016-09-16 19:36 update: 2018-09-27, 02:10
Logo PiS Archiwum. Fot. PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Logo PiS Archiwum. Fot. PAP/Tomasz Gzell
Voter support for Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party went down to 36 percent in September, from 41 percent in August, a survey by pollster CBOS shows.

The opposition Civic Platform (PO) party came in second with 17 percent support, 1 percentage point more than in the previous poll in early August.

Support for the opposition Nowoczesna party grew by 4 percentage points to 16 percent.

The Kukiz'15 group was supported by 6 percent of respondents, down by 2 percentage points from the previous poll.

Other parties would not win parliamentary seats as they fell short of the required 5-percent threshold.

Sixty-six percent of respondents declared they would go to the polls if elections were held in early September.

CBOS carried out the survey on a representative sample of 981 adult respondents on September 8-15. (PAP)
