If you have enough votes, then recall our gov't - PM to opposition MPs

2020-06-04 14:34 update: 2020-06-10, 10:38
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo PAP/Radek Pietruszka
While addressing the Sejm (lower house) on Thursday, the Polish prime minister said that if opposition MPs had enough votes, then they should recall the government or stop festering and inventing alternative subjects.

The PM had earlier motioned the Sejm for a vote of confidence in his government.

Morawiecki said that he had recently held a conversation with the president, who suggested that it was necessary to stop the "festival of disputes" organised by the opposition.

According to the prime minister, all attempts to recall deputy PM Jacek Sasin as well as announcements to dismiss Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro or the Special Services coordinator were "political games designed to cover our reality."

"And this reality shows that we have been extricating ourselves from the deepest crisis in at least 30 years. And let us work, do not make it difficult for us," he said to opposition MPs.

Morawiecki added that five years ago a fundamental change took place, and that the door to this change had been opened by President Andrzej Duda. He underlined that the good change had been first implemented by the Beata Szydlo cabinet and later continued by his government. 

"This is a completely new politics designed to move the crossover of development, the crossover of modernisation towards the ordinary man. And this is what we have done," he said. (PAP)