Americans second biggest investors in Poland - trade agency

2020-06-26 21:12 update: 2020-06-27, 11:18
Grazyna Ciurzynska. Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Grazyna Ciurzynska. Photo PAP/Leszek Szymański
Americans are the second biggest investors in Poland, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) announced on Thursday, reporting that US investment represents about 26 percent of all projects PAIH has serviced since 2016.

PAIH acting President Grazyna Ciurzynska said in a Thursday press release that Americans are among the key investors serviced by the agency. "Poland banks on the development of innovation, that's why we focus on attracting projects that guarantee knowledge transfer and high quality jobs," she said. 

Ciurzynska added that many foreign investors, including from the United States, see the potential of the Polish IT sector and above all the high class of specialists. "One in four American investments that we carry out concerns activities related to the development of high technology," the acting PAIH president said. 

A sign of the trust that IT sector potentates have in Poland and Polish specialists is the new Google investment, PAIH said. "We're glad that another global player has chosen Poland to locate an important investment," Ciurzynska continued. "Thanks to that, Poland has reached the global leadership of data processing centres."

PAIH stated that despite the COVID-19 pandemic it is currently assisting in the decision process of over 30 investors from the US and highlighted that the combined value of the investments it services grew from over PLN 6 billion (EUR 1.34 billion) in 2016 to almost PLN 13 billion (EUR 2.9 billion) in 2019. "Among the 260 projects that PAIH supported since 2016, 70 came from the United States (26 percent)," the agency reported. 

This year, PAIH has supported seven American investments in such sectors as: Modern Business Services (BSS), electronics and white goods.

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency is an advisory institution forming part of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) group. Among other activities, the agency supports the inflow of direct foreign investment into Poland and carries out Polish investments in the country. It acts both in Poland and through its Foreign Trade Offices worldwide. (PAP)
