Poland to choose president in run-off vote on Sunday

2020-07-12 07:24 update: 2020-07-12, 22:05
Photo. PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Photo. PAP/Darek Delmanowicz
Poles are voting on Sunday to elect their president for a five-year term. The first round on June 28 eliminated nine other candidates, leaving conservative incumbent Andrzej Duda to face centrist challenger Rafal Trzaskowski in a tight presidential run-off.

Under rules approved by parliament and signed into law in early June, Poles have the option of voting either by post or in person. 

Polling stations are open in Poland from 7 am to 9 pm. Strict sanitary rules are in place, with surfaces disinfected and people required to keep a safe distance from one another. Under rules brought in for the second round, disabled people, pregnant women, people with children aged under three, and citizens over 60 will have priority access to polling stations.

The head of the State Electoral Commission (PKW) Sylwester Marciniak said on Friday that 29,937,795 Polish citizens are eligible to vote in the second round, including 519,431 abroad.

A ban on electioneering, publication of opinion polls and promotion of individual candidates or lists, including online, came into force at midnight on Friday and will last until the end of voting. 

After the vote, the TVP, TVN and Polsat national television stations will present exit poll results, which will be conducted by the Ipsos pollster outside 500 randomly selected polling stations.

The official results of the presidential run-off will likely be announced by 11 pm on July 14 at the latest, Marciniak said on Friday. (PAP)