Polish health minister resigns

2020-08-18 21:03 update: 2020-08-21, 20:41
Health Minister Lukasz Szumowski. Phot. PAP/Wojciech Olkuśnik
Health Minister Lukasz Szumowski. Phot. PAP/Wojciech Olkuśnik
Polish Health Minister Lukasz Szumowski tendered his resignation on Tuesday, saying he would remain an MP but wanted to return to the medical profession.

"Today I resign from the post of health minister (...). I will not disappear, I will not go away, I will remain an MP, I will remain in the public sphere, I will be serving public functions. Of course, I'm returning to my (medical - PAP) profession...," Szumowski said at a press briefing.

Szumowski, a professor of medical sciences, was appointed health minister in January 2018.

Szumowski said he had decided to resign already in February, but then the coronavirus epidemic struck, which kept him at his post for the next six months.

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said later on Tuesday that he will present a candidate for the new health minister by the end of this week as he thanked Szumowski for his contribution to Polish healthcare.

"Within the coming days I will present the name of his successor. It is an issue that is subject to political arrangements and it will be endorsed at the political level, along with myself, and we will announce the name by the end of the week," Morawiecki said. (PAP)